Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Tornado

The first multiple choice.

I wish a storm could take those out of my sight.

Coming into Lang, I had what I thought was a good understanding of reading comprehension and overall literacy. However, once I was handed my first Lang multiple choice packet, I knew I was in way over my head. (D)  Overthinking one question and under thinking another, I stumbled my way through what seemed like an endless amount of questions each with five answer choices that all seemed seducing.

When Ms.McMahon declared there was one minute left and I had twelve questions left, well...

Needless to say, improvement was essential. Ms.McMahon assigned us new multiple choice nightly, each time making us document our scores and record any progression. (E) I learned that consistency and repetition are vital in learning and succeeding in anything. So I kept at it.

What I hoped to be an upwards slope turned out to be a flat line. I tried everything to maximize my scores, including using more time than she told us to. Improvement began to represent a futile hope, and I started to accept the fact that multiple choice may just not be my forte. However, it all turned around when I found my secret weapon.


Ms.McMahon warned us about relying on materialistic items and not our own brains, but in this case, it's not an exaggeration to say that two little pieces of tan foam changed everything for me.

(D) Being able to focus simply on the questions and not on the pencils scratching on my left and the sniffling on my right flipped my grades upside down. So, on I went, no longer desiring simply to pass, but rather to be the best I could possibly be. Multiple choice made me significantly better in reading comprehension, and that progression went far beyond just in Lang. The repetition of multiple choice and the introduction of earplugs impacted my future, including my options for secondary education.

            PSAT November 2018                                                                                                           

                            SAT March 2019

My improvement was mammoth and sent me down the yellow brick road to the AP exam with a newfound confidence in my abilities. 

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